Quick Tour

Frequently asked questions.

What time is Sunday’s Worship Service?

Our services start at 10 a.m. and typically run for an hour. (In the summer months services start at 9:00 a.m.) We host a coffee hour afterwards that is open to anyone who wishes to attend. Children are invited too!

How do I find out which campus will be used for Sunday Worship?

Simply click the worship locations and times link on our home page or access that link from the What We Do pull down menu. Not only will you find the time and location of Sunday’s service, you will also find a link to live stream our service too.

What should I wear to a worship service?

Wear what makes you comfortable. Some people like to dress in more formal attire but some of us wear blue jeans and, during the summer months, shorts and t-shirts.

Are your facilities handicap accessible?

Yes. Our North and South Campuses are 100% wheelchair accessible.

Who is your Minister now?

The Reverend Liz Miller was called and joined GCC in August of 2023 as our Designated Pastor. She brings many talents, passions, and gifts to our ministry and always welcomes visitors with a warm smile and an open heart. You can learn more about Liz on our Staff Bio page.

What’s available to children and youth during worship?

Worship is truly a multi-generational event; young ones are always invited to worship service. Toddlers have use of a ‘prayground’ in the front of our sanctuary. There they can find quiet activities to keep them occupied. We also have a separate nursery where a parent can take their infant or toddler if needed. The nursery has a video feed of the worship service too. Preschool - 5th grade children start in worship and engage with our Director of Faith Formation in our ‘Message for all Ages’. Afterwards they are invited to join other children in Sunday School.*

*On Communion Sunday there is no Sunday School and children stay for the entire service.

Is there Communion and how does it work?

We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. Communion is open to anyone who would like to partake. You do not need to be a member of our church. Any youth and/or children are also invited to partake.

Who do I talk to about pastoral care, arranging a funeral or wedding, or becoming a member of GCC?

If you are attending worship in person, please connect with Pastor Liz or one of our Deacons. You can also link to our Contact Us page and provide us the information. Or you can call us at 860 653 4537 or email us at office@ granbycongregationalchurch.org

If you need additional information, please go to our Contact Us page.