Faith Formation

The children and youth at Granby Congregational Church learn about God through a variety of progressive Christian lessons.

Our Sunday School program is open to all children ages Preschool-5th grade. Children start in Sunday’s worship service. This intergenerational time is when a “Message For All Ages” is presented to kids and grown ups alike. After this time the children are invited to Sunday School.*

The Granby Congregational Church Youth Group meets on the third Sunday of every month from 6:30-8 p.m. It is open to any youth in middle school or high school. These gatherings focus on strengthening friendships and having fun with activities such as game nights, movie nights and ice cream socials. In addition, middle school and high school youth are encouraged to plan and take part in community service projects. In the past we have baked cookies for nursing homes, cooked and served food for at risk populations and delivered cards to elderly folks in town.

Faith Journey, our confirmation class, is open to 7th and 8th graders on a biennial schedule. Our next class will run in 2023-2024. This class is co-led by our Minister and Director of Faith Formation.

*On Communion Sundays there is no Sunday School and children remain in worship.